Chicago Corporate Chess League


The Chicago Chess Foundation's (CCF) mission is to provide all youth in Chicago - with a focus on underserved communities - the opportunity to learn, play, and compete in chess at no cost. Founded in 2015, CCF has served 2,000 Chicago students annually through after school chess clubs, scholastic chess tournaments, and summer chess camps. With a focus on equitable access to enriching activities for all youth, CCF will be starting 15 new chess programs, this year, in schools and community centers on Chicago's South and West sides. 100% of league proceeds will be used to further CCF's mission and provide chess opportunities throughout Chicago's diverse communities.

What is the league?

Chicago's top corporations will be given an opportunity to be crowned Chicago Chess Champions during a 7-week league. Corporations will provide up to 10 employees the benefit of participating in the chess league. Each team will also sponsor a school chess team in Chicago's underserved neighborhoods. League participants will have the opportunity to meet and play with their sponsored team. League participants will also have an opportunity each month to volunteer at city-wide youth chess tournaments to give back to their community.

Benefits of joining the league

Corporations will be able to provide up to 10 employees the benefit of participating in the chess league. League participants will have the opportunity to meet and play with their sponsored team. League participants will also have an opportunity each month to volunteer at city-wide youth chess tournaments to give back to their community.

Where will the league take place?

Matchups take place every other Wednesday evening. We highlight local breweries and distilleries throughout Chicago as venues for matchups. This facilitates both a fun social environment, as well as a competitive chess setting.

How much does the league cost?

Each team participating in the league will make a donation of $5,000 to CCF, which is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


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