Chi-Town Chess: The Englewood Open

On Saturday July 23rd, West Englewood is the center of the Chess World in Chicago! See you there!

Chi-Town Chess: the Englewood Open is a project that brings communities in Chicago together through the game of chess! Come on out to the Peace Campus Nature Park at 6400 S. Honore to compete, play for fun, or learn chess for the first time from our friendly chess mentors! We’ll gather around a set of ten expertly crafted chess tables, hand-made by Englewood artist Vernon Herrion from local reclaimed wood to meet, compete (and eat)! This fun summertime outdoor tournament is for the whole family and not to be missed! 

Tournament information

Free to participate! Please register below and arrive between 8:00am-8:45am on the day of the tournament. The tournament (three rounds, Swiss-style) will run from 9:00am-12:00pm on Saturday July 23rd.